Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing
R067 – Enterprise & Marketing Concepts
Topic Four – Creating a Marketing Mix to Support a Product
When taught: September–November Year 11
Specification link: Cambridge Nationals – Enterprise and Marketing Level 1/Level 2 – J837 – OCR
What are we learning?
- The marketing mix elements for a good/service and how they work together
- price, product, place, promotion
- Types of advertising medium used to attract and retain customers
- Digital and non-digital/traditional
- Sales promotion techniques
- Discounts, competitions, point-of-sale advertising, loyalty schemes, sponsorship
- Public relations
- Product placement, celebrity endorsements, press release
- How to sell the good/service to the consumer
- physical and digital
- The product lifecycle and associated extension strategies
- Development, introduction, growth, maturity, decline
- Factors to consider when pricing a product and different pricing strategies
- competitive pricing, psychological pricing, price skimming, price penetration,
How will we be assessed?
The end of topic assessment will consist of multiple choice questions, financial calculations and short answer questions as seen in the exam papers. The skills and knowledge developed through this unit will also be used as a key part of the R068 and R069 coursework elements.
What makes a strong piece of work in this topic? What are teachers hoping to see?
- Good knowledge and understanding of key ideas and concepts, including identifying incorrect ideas
- Effective use and understanding of subject specific terminology
- Developed explanation – identify a factor, explain that factor, then explain the impact on a business
- Balanced arguments giving advantages and disadvantages of two options, with reasons, before justifying a choice.
What additional resources can I access outside of lessons?
The marketing mix – BBC Bitesize
Promotion strategies – BBC Bitesize
Product life cycle – BBC Bitesize