Art & Design

At GCSE we study ‘Art and Design: Fine Art’,  which is a broad ‘umbrella’. This course allows students to work in almost any medium and style.

We do not have a ‘House Style’ and each student is encouraged to develop their own interests, discover artists that they love and experiment in materials and techniques that suit them. You’ll produce a coursework portfolio (worth 60%), which includes a project called ‘Structures’; a mini-observational drawing project ‘Objects’; and a final project known as ‘Own Choice’, with the freedom to choose the theme.

There are four assessment objectives; Developing, Experimenting, Recording and Presenting.

An externally set assignment (worth 40%) begins in February of Year 11 and consists of a project developed from a choice given by the exam board. The final piece is completed in a 10-hour exam in April.

Lessons are often in a tutorial style with Art teachers giving support to each individual and skills workshops where relevant. There are clear deadlines and expectations throughout the course to help pupils manage their time and work load.


Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural


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