With our Astro Fundraising already underway, we have been overwhelmed with the initial response, with the purchase of 1m² Astro squares, as well as raising over £3,000 at our PTA Bingo and Quiz night!

We still have a long way to go! So how will we do this? We are asking our school, local community, and supporters to sponsor a minimum of 1m² of Astroturf at a cost of £25. By sponsoring your very own piece of Astroturf, you will be helping not only The Cotswold School, but also local sports clubs. Each 1m² that is bought will bring us closer to our fundraising target and we really need your help to make this happen. For more information click here.

We are also raising funds via our Cadence Festival on July 14, 4-10pm. We have lots of entertainment planned, with a fantastic line-up! Come along and celebrate our school and community! Tickets available here.

Thank you for your support.