Exploring the topic of neuroscience

Flo, who is a Year 13 Psychology Subject Ambassador, enjoyed the day and provided this report:

Dr Guy Sutton led us on an informative and insightful day of learning.

Approaching the topic of neuroscience with enthusiasm, he gave well-rounded explanations including theory that he supported with research findings.

Dr Sutton discussed up-to-date research about ‘mini-brains’ that are being grown in a Cambridge laboratory. He provoked topical questions on ethics and relevance, whilst linking together explanations of behaviour, theories and how brain structure conducts processes.

This provided us with a snapshot of the complexity and depth of the world of neuroscience. A highlight of the day for most students was the dissection of a sheep’s brain to see the physical structure of the brain and localisation of function.

A valuable day of learning that will remain as an asset to our psychology A-levels and future education!
