Business Studies

In our business courses we explore the world of small business through the lens of an entrepreneur.

Business GCSE

Click here to watch the presentation for Business

This popular course aims to develop students’ understanding of business and encourages creative thinking and decision making. Students learn about the world of business through research and investigation as well as practical tasks. Students are not expected to have a knowledge of business but should be interested in learning about the world around them, how businesses are set up and what it is that makes someone a great entrepreneur.

The course will enable the development of a range of skills including:
– Making decisions and developing persuasive arguments
– Creative and practical problem solving
– Understanding data, finance and communication

The GCSE (Pearson Edexcel) will be assessed in two equally weighted exam papers through a range of multiple choice, calculation, short-answer and extended-writing questions.

Cambridge National in Enterprise & Marketing

Click here to watch the presentation for Enterprise and Marketing

In this vocational qualification we to get to grips with key aspects of running small businesses with a focus on enterprise and marketing.

Students explore the techniques businesses use to understand their market and develop products. They investigate what makes a product viable and understand how businesses attract and retain customers.

In the second unit, we are presented with a business challenge from which we create a researched and costed business proposal. Students carry out market research, present data, use idea generation tools, seek and act on feedback, and cost their proposals. In their work on this unit they will develop their self-assessment, collaborative working, creativity, numeracy, research and evaluative skills.


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