
Cambridge National Enterprise and Marketing

R068 – Design a Business Proposal – NEA

When taught: September-May Year 10

Specification link: Cambridge Nationals – Enterprise and Marketing Level 1/Level 2 – J837 – OCR

The NEA is set by the exam board, assessed internally and is then externally moderated by OCR.

Topics covered:

Market research

  • How to select appropriate primary and secondary market research methods and data types in order to complete meaningful research
  • Sampling methods
  • Use appropriate market research tools for a business proposal
  • Review the results of market research

How to identify a customer profile

  • Identify potential customers and build a customer profile based on market research findings

Develop a product proposal

  • Create a design mix for a new product
  • Produce designs for a new product

Review designs for a product proposal

  • How to review designs for a product proposal
  • How to finalise a design after feedback

Review whether a business proposal is financially viable

  • Calculate costs, revenue, break-even and profit relating to a business proposal
  • Apply an appropriate pricing strategy
  • Review the likely financial viability of a business proposal

Review the likely success of the business proposal

  • Identify the risks and challenges when launching a new product
  • How the impact of risks and challenges can be minimised/overcome