
Cambridge National Enterprise and Marketing

R069 – Market and Pitch a Business Proposal – NEA

When taught: June Y10 – April Y11

Specification link: Cambridge Nationals – Enterprise and Marketing Level 1/Level 2 – J837 – OCR

The NEA is set by the exam board, assessed internally and is then externally moderated by OCR.

This unit follows on from the work completed in R068.

Topics covered:

Develop a brand identity to target a specific customer profile

  • What is a brand?
  • Why branding is used
  • Branding methods

Produce a competitor analysis

  • Key factors when researching competing brands
  • Identify opportunities and threats in the external environment

Create a promotional campaign for a brand and product

  • Explain the objectives of a promotional campaign
  • Create a plan for a promotional campaign
  • How to create appropriate promotional materials

Plan and pitch a proposal

  • Considerations when planning a professional pitch
  • Use and development of personal and presentation skills
  • Benefits of using a practice pitch
  • Deliver a professional pitch

Review a brand proposal, promotional campaign and professional pitch

  • Review a brand using a range of sources
  • Compare the outcomes of the pitch with the initial objectives
  • Review of personal presentation skills