
Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

R067 – Enterprise & Marketing Concepts

Topic One – Characteristics, Risks and Reward for Enterprise

When taught: September Year 10

Specification link: Cambridge Nationals – Enterprise and Marketing Level 1/Level 2 – J837 – OCR

What are we learning?

Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

  • creativity, innovation, risk-taking, communication, negotiation, confidence, determination

Risks and Reward for Entrepreneurs

The impact of risk and reward on business activity:

  • risk: business failure, financial loss, health and wellbeing, personal relationships, work-life balance
  • reward: business success, profit, independence, self satisfaction, making a difference

How will we be assessed?

The end of topic assessment will consist of multiple choice questions and short answer questions.

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic?  What are teachers hoping to see? 

  • Good knowledge and understanding of key ideas and concepts, including identifying incorrect ideas
  • Effective use and understanding of subject specific terminology
  • Developed explanation – identify a factor, explain that factor, then explain the impact on a business

What additional resources can I access outside of lessons?

Enterprise Risks and Rewards – BBC Bitesize

GCSE Learning and Revision | GCSEPod