Having recently received our latest data set from the Government, we are extremely proud to announce that the exam results of our Year 11 students in the summer were in the top 8% in the country. Our ‘Progress 8’ score, a measure of how much each student has improved since leaving primary school, at 0.68, showed that each qualification achieved by our Year 11s was, on average, over two thirds of a grade higher than those achieved by students nationally. Furthermore, as one of the top-performing schools in the county, our results exceeded those of many grammar and independent schools. This is particularly pleasing as Year 11s of all abilities contributed to the success revealed by these measures, not just those achieving grades 8 and 9. With results across all abilities being significantly better than those of their national peers, these results show what can be accomplished by a great school, with great students, supportive families, and great teaching; a real advert for comprehensive education.
Well done to all.