School begins at 8.50 am with registration to 9.20 am. End of the School day is 3.20 pm
For all main school (Years 7-11) enquiries, please contact Karen Collett, the Principal’s PA, admin@thecotswoldschool.co.uk
For all Sixth Form enquiries, please contact Rosie Moser, sixthform@thecotswoldschool.co.uk
For all facility bookings, please contact Catherine Chapple, sportsfc@thecotswoldschool.co.uk
For all press enquiries, please contact Natalie Wheeler, marketing@thecotswoldschool.co.uk
On the first day of absence and each subsequent day parents/guardians must contact the school by phoning 01451 820554 and pressing Option 2 or by e-mailing attendance@thecotswoldschool.co.uk detailing the absence and stating an estimated return time. Absence can also be notified by using the PARS Insight facility.
At The Cotswold School, we use state-of-the-art Behaviour and Attendance Tracking software called PARS/INSIGHT. This system allows staff at the School to quickly record all positive and negative behaviour incidents quickly using the PARS side of the system, allowing the focus to remain on the high quality teaching and learning taking place in the classroom.
However, the most innovative part of this system is INSIGHT. Communication between teacher, pupil and parent is vital to assist in the development of our students, helping them to reach goals, progress in their academic studies, their social development and attitudes in their Education years. INSIGHT allows this.
At the start of the academic year, all parents will be given a secure username and password.
Show My Homework is a simple online homework calendar, showing homework information, deadlines and attachments for students. At the Cotswold School, we go the extra mile and added to this system is Independent Learning Resources to add and enrich homework learning. At the start of the academic year, all parents and pupils will be given a secure username and password.
At The Cotswold School we use the ParentMail system as a trusted, affordable and effective parental engagement system to communicate all information to parents, via ParentMail. Please note, that all confirmed information, including any proposed changes will always be sent by ParentMail. If you have not received a ParentMail, then assume it is not confirmed.
For a list of the school uniform required, please click here
The school regularly informs parents/guardians of the progress of their children. However, outside of these times parents are encouraged to contact the school over any matters that may cause concern. The first point of contact is the Tutor, then Head of Year, who will refer to other staff if necessary. Similarly, we feel it is important that the school contact parents/guardians early on if there are any concerns. Again, the teacher, Tutor or Head of Year will contact parents/guardians if there any problems in any areas.