Having aspired to fly planes from a very early age, Noah (Year 10) is well on his way to fulfilling his career aspirations! Noah explains how helpful advice at a school careers fair in 2022 encouraged him.
‘I attended the school career fair in 2022 and received some invaluable advice from the BA representative. Alongside academic suggestions, she encouraged me to continue attending the RAF Air Cadets and to look into building my flying hours through a gliding scholarship.
I applied for, was interviewed by, and then offered a place at Stratford upon Avon Gliding Club (SOAGC) onto their Junior Sponsorship Scheme in November 2022 and have been learning to fly gliders throughout the year. I attend the club every Sunday – a full day including actively preparing, launching and landing the gliders, driving the service vehicles and keeping the airfield safe and serviceable. Juniors are expected to contribute as much as adult members alongside their gliding tuition.
I’ve amassed well over 100 individual flights – over 20 hours in the air. Throughout, I was tested thoroughly by the team of instructors at the club, not only in safe and level flight, but in soaring flights to over 4000 feet and more tricky scenarios in case things go wrong.
In October, a day after my 15th birthday and the youngest my club will allow, I am proud to say I flew solo for the first time, successfully flying three flights while my instructors watched from the ground. I even achieved the longest flight of the day despite poor conditions!
I continue attending the ATC at 136 Squadron, Chipping Norton and aim to apply for flying scholarships once I turn 16. I’m very proud to be able to wear my Civilian Wings badge on my uniform and am grateful for the opportunity to receive advice from a BA Pilot that led to this achievement.’
Noah (Year 10)
Amazing achievements Noah, we cannot wait to see where this takes you in the future.