Our History curriculum takes children far and wide to examine the impact of events in our local and global past
Key Stage 3 History involves a mixture of depth studies, overviews and thematic topics. From 1066 to 9/11, students improve both their knowledge of the past and understanding of historical skills and concepts.
We visit the Norman Conquest, Black Death, Elizabethan England, the English Civil War, Industrial Revolution, British Empire, Titanic and the First and Second World Wars. Our thematic topics look at crime punishment, terrorism, propaganda and media, war and black history through time.
We ask questions, such as ‘Did the Industrial Revolution release “Pandemonium”?’ In evaluating our response, we would consider the causes of the Industrial Revolution; living and working conditions; the experience of children; political unrest and how the Industrial revolution played out in the Cotswolds.
We usually run a number of trips, such as visits to Goodrich Castle in Year 7 and the First World War battlefields in Year 9. There is a Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 History Film Club.