Topic title: Unit 2 Equality, Diversity and Rights
Year group: 12
When taught: September to October half term
What are we learning:
Topic 1: Understand the concepts of equality, diversity and rights and how these are applied in the context of health, social care and child care environments.
Topic 2: Understand the impact of discriminatory practices on individuals in health, social care and child care environments
Topic 3: Understand how current legislation and national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice in health, social care and child care environments.
Topic 4: Understand how equality, diversity and rights in health, social care and child care environments are promoted.
Why is this important to know?
Individuals using health, social care and child care services may be vulnerable and/ or dependent on others, so it is very important that practitioners are aware of, and supportive of, people’s rights and differences. The focus of this unit is to examine how these environments support individuals’ rights, value their diversity and provide them with equal opportunities in order to meet their needs. Learners will discover the possible causes of discriminatory practices, the effects discrimination can have on individuals in care situations and the role of legislation and national initiatives in promoting anti-discriminatory practice. Learners will consider strategies and approaches that practitioners working in HSC settings can use to promote equality, respect diversity and protect the rights of individuals in their care.
Where does this link into our past and future learning?
- This links to Unit 1 effective relationships, Unit 16 Dementia care, Unit 21 looked after children, Unit 6 person-centred care and Unit 7 Safeguarding.
How will we be assessed on this topic?
- An official exam in January of Y12
What makes a strong piece of work in this topic? What are teachers hoping to see?
- Attention to detail and use of specific examples
- Using key terms correctly
- Giving balanced answers that look at different viewpoints
- A willingness to explore complex moral debates and arguments
What key words are there in this topic?
Quizlet, click here Scroll down to Unit 2
What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?
- Read more in depth on specific health, social and child care settings and on articles such as the Winterborne View scandal. There are also very interesting documentaries on this.
What wider reading can be done on this topic?
- Read more in depth on specific health, social and child care settings and on articles such as the Winterborne View scandal. There are also very interesting documentaries on this.
Supporting document/links:
- Knowledge organiser
- Info in the resources folder
- Quizlet, click here