


Topic title: Unit 14: The impact of long-term physiological conditions

Year group: 13
When taught: September to October
The human body is a complex machine performing a multitude of functions every day. Like any machine it can malfunction, possibly as the result of an inherent genetic condition, or as a consequence an infection, lifestyle choices, occupations or environmental exposure to harmful agents.
The malfunction could also simply be a result of the natural ageing process, when the body systems become worn out. These malfunctions can be referred to as physiological conditions. Some will have little impact on either daily life or lifespan whilst others will result in dramatic life changes and a possible shortening of life.
This unit will allow you to support individuals with long-term physiological conditions in planning their care and support by introducing you to the types, causes and effects of these conditions on individuals, the day-to-day effects the conditions can have, the roles of practitioners who care for and support individuals and other forms of support provision and regulatory frameworks.
This unit is, therefore, relevant for anyone considering working in the health care profession. You will also be able to investigate the care and approaches available to the terminally ill, their rights and choices and the ethics of assisted suicide (currently illegal in the UK).