Introducing our Year 11 Prefects

Congratulations to our first cohort of Year 11 Prefects! Last week, students Anya, Logan, James, Tilly, Lara, Katy, Sadie, Milly and Megan  gained their Prefect status.

So, why do students want to become a Prefect?

There are a variety of reasons why Year 11 students want to become a Prefect. They would like to become positive role models to others in school; have a positive impact on the school and wider community; develop and show a range of employability skills and to be presented with a Prefect tie! There are also Prefect privileges, which allow students off-site one lunchtime a week and to take part in the end of year Prefect trip.

How do students become a Prefect?

The aim of the Prefect Programme is to celebrate the amazing role models that we have in Year 11, those who demonstrate the highest standards of behaviour, effort and respect in all aspects of their school life. Students must also compete an 8 week community project in school or in the wider community.

What community project have students taken part in this year?

This year, Year 11 students have taken part in a variety of projects; helping collect clothes and food for people in Ukraine; mentoring Year 8 students in Music; coaching at a Cricket Club; and volunteering at a Scout Group, Cards for Bravery, a Foodbank and a charity shop.

Well done to you all!

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