Key Stage 4 Curriculum
During these two years of GCSE courses, students in Years 10 and 11 enjoy lessons in core subjects – English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities – and in their chosen options.
Some core subjects use sets; others are mixed ability. Students choose up to three other ‘options’ subjects, which are taught in mixed ability groups. The Learning Support department helps students with particular educational needs both within lessons and outside the classroom on an individual basis. We still have PE lessons for all.
At Key Stage 4, we use evidence from students’ achievements and parental feedback to evaluate the balance of subjects on offer. We believe students have an excellent choice from a wide variety of traditional GCSE subjects and newer vocational courses.
Our extensive extra-curricular programme of trips, sports and additional learning activities, from language exchanges to debating club, further enriches the curriculum. Careers information, advice and guidance helps students investigate careers when deciding which subjects they will choose to study in Years 10, 11 and beyond.
Our options system at GCSE (and in the Sixth Form) is student-centred, which means students have a free choice, under the guidance of our pastoral and subject teams and the curriculum is designed around them. This enables us to meet the needs of each individual student in our care. To read about our curriculum approach in more detail, please visit our Curriculum Overview page.