Key Stage 4 – PSHE
PSHE, Personal Social and Health Education, is a crucial area of education in terms of personal development, safety, health, citizenship within the local and global community and general preparation for life. These four days will be in addition to the valuable ongoing PSHE Tutor programme and will enable a more in depth focus on one aspect of the programme together with the opportunity to more fully utilise the skills of outside experts in their specific fields. Experts in Sex and Relationships education, together with representatives from Healthy schools, charities, universities, businesses and the police will be continuing to work alongside Heads of Year and Form Tutors in the delivery of the PSHE programme with the aim of giving our pupils the very best preparation for life.
The key areas of focus across the year groups will be Sex and Relationships education, Healthy lifestyles, Citizenship, Careers education and Economic and Financial awareness. Some of the topics covered include Team Building, Friendship, Anti Bullying, E- Safety, Healthy Minds, Drugs and Alcohol Education, Community and Care and Red Cross – disasters and emergencies, Be the Boss and Money Sense (Please see reverse for an overview of the programme for your son/daughter’s year group.)
There are three off timetable days planned during the school year and an additional day in Enrichment Week in July when the whole school will be focusing on PSHE.
Day 1 ‘Investing in Me’
- Students focus on CVs, letter applications and preparation for the world of work.
Expert guidance will be given on CV’s, letter applications and preparation for the world of work. Students will have the opportunity to develop their CV in an ICT session and have the opportunity to research careers. We are providing sessions on identifying and developing personal employability skills.
Day 2 Sex and Relationships Education
- Specialists from the Sex and Relationships education team will lead a variety of sessions concerning issues such as consent, values, unplanned pregnancy, contraception, coping with stress and pressure, staying safe re alcohol/drugs.
Day 3 Economic and Financial Awareness
- Students will focus on personal and corporate finances
- Skilled experts will lead sessions with our students on study and revision skills which will provide invaluable preparation for the forth coming GCSE examinations. Pupils will explore and practice different revision techniques and practices.
- Pupils will also have a focus on careers and life after school; with targeted sessions on CV writing and employability skills.
12 December Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party
- Students will work in groups with their team of Year 11 Form Tutors planning and preparing food, decorations, entertainment, transport etc. to ensure that senior citizens within our community have a wonderful Christmas party!
28 February Be the Boss – Political Campaigns
- This day will focus on raising political awareness and an understanding of current affairs and key social and economic issues within society. Pupils will work in groups planning a political campaign and presentation to the rest of the year group.