
KS5 Physics

In Y12 and 13 we offer OCR Physics A, this course enables students to build on their knowledge of the laws of physics, applying their understanding to solve problems on topics ranging from subatomic particles to the entire universe. Students are taught by two teachers who cover different content, and students learn with practicals during the course and students will achieve the practical endorsement by completing 12 assessed practicals.

Students are supported with regular assignments and assessments for each section of the course, and Physics Clinic on a Wednesday after school each week.


AS Physics 2.xlsx


A2 Physics

Why is this important to know and how does this link into our past and future learning?

The course starts by building on the foundation of GCSE Physics. We use equations and mathematics to explain motion and electricity. We then continue to look at waves and quantum behaviours and explain how the world really works. In Y13 we describe different types of motion, such as in a circle, and more applied physics like medical physics and capacitors. There is a strong focus on practical science where students get a great foundation for completing labs at university.

How will we be assessed on this topic?

Students will be assessed in class by completing assignments and tests on each topic.

At the end of y12 students complete two 1 hour 30 minute exams on all AS content.

At the end of y13 students complete three exams, paper 1 and paper 2 cover specific content and paper 3 focusses on practical skills.

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic? What are teachers hoping to see?

Students are expected to keep well organised notes including all assignments and questions. Students will also learn how to present their work, setting out their maths in an easy to follow fashion and using logical structures to present written answers.

We are hoping students will work independently outside of lessons to master the processes required to answer questions and learn the key terms to understand the theory behind the Physics.