
Mathematics plays a big role in everyday life and connecting well with the subject can open a vast array of career pathways.

We are proud to offer many exciting opportunities for pupils to fulfil their potential and to broaden and extend their knowledge and enjoyment of maths. Mathematics relates to, and underpins, many other subjects.

Our department is taught from a suite of classrooms that all have interactive whiteboards. We have access to a class set of laptops. We embrace new technology;  and use ICT whenever it is appropriate to do so. We subscribe to the excellent MyMaths site, which offers pupils a great virtual learning environment in and out of lessons, to encourage independent learning.

The department operates a setting policy based on ability, prior attainment and understanding within the first half term. Students are taught in their band initially and then ‘set’ as of October half term. This helps our students learn at a pace best suited to their ability and helps promote confidence. These sets are reviewed each term and changes are made to ensure individual students are in the correct group to allow them to make their best progress.

In Years 7 and 8, students complete topics from all sections of the Key Stage 3 curriculum, including number, algebra, shape and space and statistics. Pupils are encouraged to work independently and collaboratively in order to improve their problem solving skills and their ability to communicate their knowledge to others. These skills are vital in the GCSE syllabus (all students study Mathematics to the end of Year 11). The students are assessed on a regular basis to monitor their progress and provide additional support where needed.


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