


Topic title: GCSE Spanish

Year group: 10/11

What are we learning?

  • We are following the Edexcel GCSE course
  • Topics that are covered in the course are: Media and Technology, My personal world, Travel and tourism, My neighbourhood, Lifestyle and wellbeing, Studying and future plans.
  • We are developing communication skills in all four key areas (listening, speaking, reading and writing).

Where does this link into our past and future learning? 

  • Following on from the foundations set in KS3, students are learning to communicate more effectively and both express and justify their personal opinions on a variety of subjects.
  • Having learnt basic past, present and future tenses, we are now looking at more complex language use and grammatical structures, such as subjunctives, si clauses, higher level connectives and idioms.

How will we be assessed on this topic?

  • In addition to smaller assessments in the autumn and spring term of year 10, students will also sit a full set of GCSE mocks in the summer term of year 10, and two further full sets of mock exams in the autumn and spring term of year 11.

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic?  What are teachers hoping to see?  

  • Accurate verb formation
  • A wide range of higher-level language used to express and justify opinions
  • Writing that can persuade, convince or interest an audience
  • A strong knowledge of vocabulary
  • The ability to communicate with a good level of fluency and pronunciation

What key words are there in this topic?

2016 specification: Pearson Edexcel (teacher support, vocabulary list)

2024 specification: Pearson Edexcel (vocabulary list, GCSE Spanish 2024 Interactive Vocabulary List)

What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?

  • Revise vocabulary regularly on Quizlet
  • Make revision posters for different tenses
  • Practise past papers from Edexcel/ AQA websites
  • Complete grammar and translation exercises from Edexcel Grammar and Translation workbooks
  • Complete exercises from Edexcel revision workbooks
  • Read through topic notes/ speaking exam notes to prepare for speaking exam

What wider reading can be done on this topic?

2016 specification: Edexcel 

2024 specification: Edexcel