


Topic title: A-level German

Year group: 12/13

What are we learning?

  • We are following the AQA A-level course.
  • Topics covered in the course are: aspects of German-speaking society, artistic culture in the German-speaking world, multiculturalism in German-speaking society, aspects of political life in German-speaking society
  • We are continuing to develop communication skills in all four key areas (listening, speaking, reading and writing).
  • In year 13 we study the film Good Bye, Lenin! which depicts the life of a family after the fall of the Berlin Wall and links well to two of our topics and the play Der Besuch der alten Dame, a classic in postwar German literature which explores themes such as revenge, greed , fate and absurdism.
  • Students undertake an Independent Research Project (IRP) based on any area of interest they have in German-speaking society.

Where does this link into our past and future learning? 

  • Following on from KS4, students are studying topics relating to German-speaking world in more depth and learning to express, justify and evidence their opinions on these subjects.
  • We are extending grammar knowledge gained at GCSE by learning and using more complex language and grammatical structures, including the passive voice, cases and relative clauses
  • The IRPs enable students to further develop their cultural knowledge and enhance their research and analysis skills.

How will we be assessed on this topic?

  • Students will sit an AS mock paper in year 12 and a full A-level mock in year 13. These exams will cover all four skill areas.

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic?  What are teachers hoping to see?  

  • Grammatical accuracy eg: verbs agree, word order, cases, adjective endings
  • A wide range of higher-level language used support and evidence personal opinions
  • Excellent cultural knowledge of the German-speaking world
  • Clear, well planned and structured essays on both the film and book we have studied
  • A well-researched Independent Research Project that shows strong evidence of examination and analysis of the student’s chosen topic
  • The ability to communicate with a good level of fluency, pronunciation and intonation

What key words are there in this topic?

  • All key vocabulary lists are on the Kerboodle website at the end of each topic.
  • Students also use their vocabulary books to record new/ unknown vocabulary

What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?

  • Revise vocabulary regularly on Quizlet
  • Make revision posters for different tenses
  • Practise past papers from Edexcel/ AQA websites
  • Watch film and tutorial clips to deepen understanding of the context and message of the film
  • Read through film and book notes/ learn key quotes/ scenes to use as contextual evidence to support your essays
  • Read through past translations in translation books to identify key language/ grammar mistakes
  • Complete extra translations/ essays and hand them in for marking and feedback
  • Complete grammar and translation exercises from AQA Grammar and Translation workbooks
  • Read through topic notes/ speaking exam notes to prepare for speaking exam

What wider reading can be done on this topic?


News in Slow German 

Goethe Institut 


News in Slow German