


Topic title: A-level Spanish

Year group: 12/13

What are we learning?

  • We are following the AQA A-level course.
  • Topics that are covered in the course are: Aspects of Hispanic society, Artistic culture in the Hispanic world, Multiculturalism in Hispanic society, Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world.
  • We are further developing communication skills in all four key areas (listening, speaking, reading and writing).
  • In year 13 we are studying the film María; llena eres de gracia which highlights the effects of the failed war on drugs in Colombia and the novel Las bicicletas son para el verano which explores the lives of families affected by the Civil War. Both the film and novel have been selected as they are rich in culture and link well to the topics that we are covering in class.
  • Students undertake an Independent Research Project (IRP) based on any area of interest they have in the Hispanic world.

Where does this link into our past and future learning? 

  • Following on from KS4, students are learning to communicate more effectively in an in-depth manner and both express and justify/ evidence their personal opinions on a variety of subjects relating to the Hispanic world.
  • Having learnt a range of tenses at GCSE, we are now looking at more complex language use and grammatical structures, such as present and imperfect subjunctives use and formation, a range of si clauses, and idioms.
  • The IRPs enable students to further develop their cultural knowledge and enhance their research and analysis skills.

How will we be assessed on this topic?

  • Students will sit an AS mock paper in year 12 and a full A-level mock in year 13. These exams will cover all four skill areas.

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic?  What are teachers hoping to see?  

  • Accurate verb formation
  • A wide range of higher-level language used support and evidence personal opinions
  • Excellent cultural knowledge of the Hispanic world
  • Clear, well planned and structured essays on both the film and book we have studied
  • A well-researched Independent Research Project that shows strong evidence of examination and analysis of the student’s chosen topic
  • The ability to communicate with a good level of fluency, pronunciation and intonation

What key words are there in this topic?

  • All key vocabulary lists are on the Kerboodle website at the end of each topic.
  • Students also use their blue vocabulary books to record new/ unknown vocabulary

What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?

  • Revise vocabulary regularly on Quizlet
  • Make revision posters for different tenses
  • Practise past papers from Edexcel/ AQA websites
  • Watch film and tutorial clips to deepen understanding of the context and message of the film
  • Read through film and book notes/ learn key quotes/ scenes to use as contextual evidence to support your essays
  • Read through past translations in translation books to identify key language/ grammar mistakes
  • Complete extra translations/ essays and hand them in for marking and feedback
  • Complete grammar and translation exercises from AQA Grammar and Translation workbooks
  • Read through topic notes/ speaking exam notes to prepare for speaking exam

What wider reading can be done on this topic? 



El Mundo 


News in Slow Spanish