Topic title: Mi tiempo libre – Free time
Year group: 8
What are we learning?
- To say what hobbies you do.
- To give justified opinions on hobbies.
- To say what you do in different weathers
- To say what you are doing next weekend.
Why is this important to know?
- This topic encourages students to use key regular and irregular verbs as well as adding details to their work using time phrases, connectives and weather phrases.
- Introducing the future tense increases the autonomy of pupils to express their ideas.
- Students are able to recognise and discuss activities they might wish to do when in a Spanish speaking country.
- Giving justified and developed opinions can be applied to other topics they will study in the future.
Where does this link into our past and future learning?
- This builds on the work we have done on present tense verbs in previous topics.
- Students already know how to give opinions, but are now adding further detail and justification to their opinions.
- Once students are confident in using two tenses, they will be able to move on to learn the past tense as well.
How will we be assessed on this topic?
- The Year 8 assessment will comprise:
- Vocabulary recall
- Dictation
- Read aloud task.
What makes a strong piece of work in this topic? What are teachers hoping to see?
- Accurate verbs in two tenses
- Reference to different weathers
- Use of time phrases and connectives
- Well justified positive and negative opinions.
What key words are there in this topic?
All new vocab will be added to the Year 8 Spanish Quizlet classroom:
What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?
- Write about what others do in their free time as well as yourself.
- Use Word Reference to look up and learn more unusual vocab for hobbies, that may be specific to your own interest.
- You can use Languages Online to revise and test yourself on present and future tense verbs.
Supporting document/links:
- Year 8 Blue Book: Year 8 Spanish blue book.pptx