
Throughout your Music course, we look at a variety of musical styles, music theory and how to listen to and discuss these features of music. We cover four main areas of study: Structure and Theory, Music for ensembles, Popular music and Music for film and you’ll be assessed on performing, composing and appraising music.

Year 10

We look at all four areas of study this year, starting with Film music, How is music used to manipulate us and use the elements of music to describe how this is done; and Music for ensemble, looking at orchestras through to Rock bands, musicals to Jazz trios.

Students complete their first composition in a style of their choice and make practice performance recordings

Year 11

We complete our preparation for the listening exam by reviewing the topics including: Musical forms and devices, discussing music from 1600—1900 and how this music has created the rules we follow today. You’ll complete your second composition. This is to a set brief by the exam board.

Students make their performance recordings, submitting a minimum of two recordings of performances you have made. A minimum of one performance must be an ensemble performance lasting at least one minute.


Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural


British Values


International Status