This year’s mini-EPQs (Extended Project Qualification) were a delight to see! Year 8 students undertook the challenge of learning independently and following their passions to look at a diverse range of topics. They included understanding Pi to the history of Bourton on the Water through maps and photographs, water colour painting to physiotherapy, street food cooking to journaling, and the history of philosophy to computer programming. As always, the list of topics was outstanding!

The mini-EPQ has a long tradition at The Cotswold School and is designed to give students the opportunity to study beyond the normal curriculum into areas they wish, helping them to develop their learning and research skills. The results, as always, were beyond expectations, with students given the chance to talk to parents and carers, friends and other guests about their projects, leaving the audience highly impressed, not only by the quality of work produced but also by the articulate and confident students. When these Year 8s arrive in the Sixth Form, we hope many will undertake the full Extended Project Qualification, which is a highly regarded certificate by universities and employers.

We would like to thank all the teachers, parents, carers, library staff and friends who helped with this year’s mini-EPQs but, above all, the excellent students who once again displayed their talent and dedication.