Physical Education

GCSE PE/Sports Science (AQA Syllabus 8582)

This course builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills established during Physical Education in Key Stage 3. The qualification is made up of a theory component (60%) and a practical/controlled assessment component (40%).

Students taking this course should be competing in at least one sport to a good standard outside of school as their performance in 3 sports, will contribute to a large proportion of their overall grade.

Topics across the course cover the broad areas of physical training; sports psychology and applied anatomy and physiology; socio-cultural influences; and health, fitness and well-being.

BTEC First Award Sport

The Pearsons BTEC First Award takes a coursework-based approach to learning. Students apply theoretical knowledge about different types of sport and physical activity, skills development and sports leadership to their own practical performance. They will learn about the human body, principles of training and how to plan an appropriate sport fitness programme. You will develop an appreciation of the importance of sport locally and nationally, different ways of being involved in sport and of how this shapes the sports industry.

Students will also be introduced to possible courses that follow on as well as jobs in the industry.


Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural


British Values


International Status