Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)

PSHE is a crucial area of education in terms of personal development, safety, health, citizenship within the local and global community and general preparation for life.

In 2020, we consulted with parents, carers, staff, students and governors as part of the statutory consultation on Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).

Experts in Sex and Relationships Education, together with representatives from Healthy Schools, universities, businesses and the police will be continuing to work alongside Heads of Year and form tutors in the delivery of the PSHE programme with the aim of giving pupils the very best preparation for life.

These sessions will be in addition to the valuable ongoing PSHE Tutor programme and will enable a more in-depth focus on one aspect of the programme together with the opportunity to utilise the skills of outside experts in their specific fields.

The key areas of focus across the year groups are Sex and Relationships Education, Healthy Lifestyles, Citizenship, Careers Education and Economic and Financial awareness. Some of the topics covered include Team Building, Friendship, Anti-Bullying, E-Safety, Healthy Minds, Drugs and Alcohol Education, First Aid, and Money Sense. There is an outline for each year group which gives more detail about when each topic will be covered during tutor time, which can also be found on the school website.

We have organised PSHE with a single year group at a time, once per academic year. These sessions last for half a day and are generally delivered by outside speakers.  These days complement the tutor-led Safeguarding Curriculum which is delivered throughout the academic year.

We ask our pupils to evaluate learning outcomes, relevance and how well the sessions meet their needs and will continue to use their feedback to adapt our future programmes. We also very much value the views of parents and any offers of specific expertise in relation to the delivery of the programme are very much appreciated.

Mrs Felicity Peake, our E-safety Lead Professional, together with the E-safety Committee works extremely hard to keep up to date with new developments and to educate students and advise parents on staying safe online.  We are very grateful for both continued and new parent support in these areas of e-safety/anti-bullying.  If you would be happy to support or would like advice and guidance please email

Mrs J Carter

Assistant Principal – Head of Key Stage 3 & Designated Safeguarding Lead


Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural


British Values


International Status