
AS and A Level 

Business is front-page news. The way companies operate is under greater scrutiny than ever before, while television programmes like The Apprentice and Dragon’s Den have raised the profile of business to all.

During your studies on this course you will engage with, explore and understand business behaviour whilst developing a critical understanding of what business is and what it does. You’ll learn about the importance of managers and leaders and how decision-making can impact a range of business functions, from marketing to financial performance. How are people and operations managed to improve performance?

What are different strategic direction methods and how do you manage strategic change?

As well as essay writing, there are multiple choice and data analysis tasks throughout the course, to prepare you for the format of the examinations.

Careers and study progression
A Level Business develops students’ key skills and understanding, an asset in future employment. It combines well with many post-16 subjects. Many Business degree courses offer various interesting subject combinations, or you can take up valuable apprenticeships in business, management, accounting, finance, and marketing.

Exam board

Entry criteria
Grade 6 in GCSE Business Studies or grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics and English

AS Level: Two written examination papers (Year 12)
A Level: Three written examination papers
(Year 13) including essay, data response and short answer questions.

Key Stage 5 Curriculum Map

(click the links below for more information)

Year 12  AS Business Content 
Year 13 A2 Business Content