Drama and Theatre

AS and A Level 

What goes into making an effective piece of theatre? On this course, we explore texts and their creators, developing your ability to write confidently about how to stage texts and communicate with an audience. Many of your lessons will be workshops, exploring different texts, contexts and practitioners; and historical, social and cultural elements, too.

The syllabus contains four assessed pieces of practical work, including scripted performances, devised performances and ‘reimagined text’ (devising a piece from an extract); and balancing creative and practical talents with a strong academic foundation. The course broadens your social, political, cultural and historical understanding, alongside your artistic development. It requires good teamwork skills and excellent time management. When possible, we will see live theatre and access a range of productions. There are opportunities to be assessed in technical and design elements such as lighting, set design or costume design. Students have the option to complete the Arts Award Gold certificate, which is UCAS equivalent to a B grade at AS level.

Careers and study progression
Many former students have gone to prestigious universities and drama schools, studying the arts, sciences, languages and humanities. Drama and Theatre is a gateway to a range of courses and career sectors, developing skills in creativity, group work and presentation.

Exam board

Entry criteria
Grade 6 in GCSE Drama or grade 6 in GCSE English Language
Proven participation in performing arts

AS Level: Performance workshop and written examination paper (Year 12)
A Level: Theatre Workshop; text-based performance; written examination paper (Year 13)