English Literature
A Level
If you enjoy reading, discussing and writing, both formally and creatively, then A Level English Literature is the course for you. It’s an exciting approach to literary study through the lens of genre and theory, grouping texts within shared literary contexts so you can become an autonomous, critical reader. Those who excel at this subject are characterised by a love of reading and a readiness to explore the ways writers use language to fire our imaginations.
We explore the theme of Tragedy across three texts: one by Shakespeare; another drama text; and either prose or poetry (such as Othello, Death of a Salesman and the work of Keats). We also use texts to consider the theme of political and social protest, such as Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake; The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood; and The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. The coursework element comprises two 1500-word essays.
Careers and study progression
Combining well with many other subjects and highly regarded by universities, English Literature is an important qualification in many professions and careers, including journalism, media, publishing, accountancy, business, law, teaching, public relations, events management and arts administration.
Exam board
AQA (Specification B)
Entry criteria
Grade 6 in GCSE English Literature and Grade 6 in GCSE English Language
Two written examination papers (80%) and a non-examined assessment (coursework) (20%)