
AS and A Level 

Geography is the study of the world around us, the issues within it and the interaction between people and the physical landscape: Human Geography and Physical Geography.

We look at water and carbon cycles; coastal systems; hazards; global systems and governance; changing places; and population and the environment. Fieldwork (including independently planned fieldwork for A Level) is an essential element, providing you with the opportunity to see your environment in action, enrich learning and enhance understanding of the units covered in class. It also enables students to develop lateral thinking and problem-solving skills as a team, abilities that are much desired by universities and in the workplace.

Traditionally, we visit Chesil Beach; study ‘place creation’ in Bourton-on-the-Water and offer a residential trip to Wales.

Careers and study progression
Geography students have some of the highest rates of graduate employment. Geography combines well with sciences, as well as with Sociology and Psychology. There are careers in sectors as diverse as catastrophe planning and crisis management; HR and financial services; environmental law; sustainability; environmental planning; waste management; and weather forecasting.

Exam board

Entry criteria
Grade 6 in GCSE Geography plus Grade 5 in GCSE Mathematics plus Grade 5 in GCSE English Language

AS Level: Two written examination papers (Year 12)
A Level: Two written examination papers (80%) and fieldwork investigation (20%) (Year 13)

Key Stage 5 Curriculum Map

(click the links below for more information)

September – December  January – May February – May
Year 12  Coastal Systems and Landscapes (Sept – Dec)

The Challenge of Natural Hazards (Sept – Jan)

Changing Places 
Year 13  Carbon and Water Cycles (Sept-Dec)

Global Systems and Global Governance (Sept – Feb)

Population and the Environment