Sixth Form scientists visit local primary schools to share some fun facts

Science teacher Mrs Lewis and a team of students enjoyed visiting children at St Andrews Chedworth, Great Rissington, Bourton and Stow primary schools.

They had several aims, including judging some amazing projects at Rissington School’s science fair; and helping children learn about the sizes of different creatures’ hearts with some practical games and experiments. This included the dissection of a heart, which the older students made accessible for the audience  of Years 3-6 pupils. At Chedworth, one of the children commented,

“It’s amazing to see how the heart works.”

The pupils calculated the circumference of a blue whale’s heart and saw how many of them could fit into the space!

Mrs Lewis thanked all the sixth form students, who were such great ambassadors for their school and for science. These include Max and Megan, who both intend to have careers in Medicine; and Katie, who wants to train to become a primary school teacher.

Science is fun for parents, too!

The Science Department also welcomed Year 7 families into school for two sessions during British Science Week, as well as running activities for students across the school throughout the week. Read more about those activities here.

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