GCSE Topic – Enterprise and entrepreneurship
When taught: September
Specification link: Edexcel GCSE Business (2017) | Pearson qualifications
What are we learning?
The dynamic nature of business
Why new business ideas come about:
- changes in technology
- changes in what consumers want
- products and services becoming obsolete.
How new business ideas come about:
- original ideas
- adapting existing products/services/ideas.
Risk and reward
The impact of risk and reward on business activity:
- risk: business failure, financial loss, lack of security
- reward: business success, profit, independence
The role of business enterprise
The role of business enterprise and the purpose of business activity:
- to produce goods or services
- to meet customer needs
- to add value: convenience, branding, quality, design, unique selling points.
The role of entrepreneurship:
- an entrepreneur: organises resources, makes business decisions, takes risks.
How will we be assessed?
The end of topic assessment will consist of questions from past exam papers. There will be a combination of multiple choice, short-answer and extended answer, context-based questions.
What makes a strong piece of work in this topic? What are teachers hoping to see?
- Good knowledge and understanding of key ideas and concepts
- Effective use of subject specific terminology
- Developed explanation (use of BLT framework)
- The ability to apply knowledge and understanding to given contexts
- The ability to construct a detailed chain of argument using multiple strands of development
What additional resources can I access outside of lessons?
Click the links for more information.
GCSE Business – Edexcel – BBC Bitesize
GCSE Learning and Revision | GCSEPod