


Topic title: The Challenge of Resource Management

Year group: 10

When taught: September to December

What are we learning?

  • Food, water and energy are fundamental to human development.
  • The changing demand and provision of resources in the UK create opportunities and challenges.
  • Demand for water resources is rising globally but supply can be insecure, which may lead to conflict.
  • Different strategies can be used to increase water supply.

Why is this important to know? 

  • Food, water and energy are significant to social and economic well-being.
  • Gives an overview of global inequalities in the supply and consumption of resources.
  • Provides an overview of resources in relation to the UK by studying changes in demand, issues and potential management strategies.
  • Investigates global patterns of water surplus (security) and water deficit (insecurity) and factors affecting water availability and consumption.
  • Impacts of water insecurity are explored as well as an overview of strategies to increase water supply with Lesotho’s Highland Water Project and the Wakel River Basin Project being used as named examples.

Where does this link into our past and future learning? 

  • This links and develops on prior learning from the KS3 unit ‘Development’.
  • Later in the year we assess the opportunities and challenges facing urban areas today, with resources being a key element.
  • In Year 11, the Economic World unit is studied with resources and development being key concepts revisited and built upon, particularly through the examples of the UK and Nigeria.
  • This topic deepens skills such as using composite line graphs, pie charts, calculating percentage change and the use of Gapminder.

How will we be assessed on this topic?

  • There will be a mid -unit test and an end of unit test using questions from past GCSE questions to check knowledge and understanding. This is to increase familiarisation with GCSE style questions and to refine exam technique to successfully apply knowledge and understanding to the questions.

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic?  What are teachers hoping to see?  

  • Correct use and spelling of key terms such as deficit, surplus, insecurity.
  • Accurate use of a range of maps and graphs to extract relevant information with effective use of GASMan (General, Specific, Anomaly) to describe trends on maps and graphs.
  • Use of specific named examples to support points.
  • Use of BLT (because, leads to, therefore) to explain points inadequate detail.

What key words are there in this topic?

Quizlet. Click here

What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?

  • Regularly re-read and review your work. Use the specification to help make revision notes for each section.
  • Complete past exam questions on this unit. These can be found at: Click here

What wider reading can be done on this topic?

Read a range of articles on the Gapminder website. Click here

Ethical debates: Energy Resources by R Spilsbury. Click here

Ethics of Food: Making Food Choices by Michael Burgan. Click here

Food and Farming by Jen Green. Click here

Supporting document/links:

Found on Satchel – My Drive – GCSE – Geography

  • Resource Management knowledge organiser
  • Key Terms sheet