


Topic title: The Changing Economic World

Year group: 11

When taught: September to March

What are we learning?

  • There are global variations in economic development and quality of life.
  • Various strategies exist for reducing the global development gap.
  • Some LICs and NEEs are experiencing rapid economic development which leads to significant social, environmental and cultural change.
  • Major changes in the economy of the UK have affected, and will continue to affect, employment patterns and regional growth.

Why is this important to know? 

  • Understanding the causes and consequences of uneven development are key concepts that underpin the study of Geography. Recognition that not everywhere is like the UK!
  • Development indicators are regularly used in Geography so it’s important to know what the measures mean but also their limitations.
  • An important model, the Demographic Transition Model, is explored. Identifying limitations of models is an important skill which students need to develop.
  • There is a need for various strategies to reduce the development gap. Students may have a role in these i.e. Fair Trade, aid, tourism.
  • Globalisation and TNC’s affect areas differently. They play a role in students’ lives.
  • Two in depth case studies, a NEE (Nigeria) and a HIC (The UK) are used to develop a real understanding of place.
  • Through the study of Nigeria, misconceptions about African countries are challenged.
  • Develops a detailed awareness of the UK’s changing economy and how it will affect future employment opportunities (careers).

Where does this link into our past and future learning? 

  • This topic links and deepens prior learning from Year 8 on Development.
  • The learning from this unit closely links with all other KS4 units particularly Resource Management and Urban Environments.
  • Analysis of management strategies and sustainability is considered in all the GCSE units.
  • All the KS5 units require an understanding of this topic, particularly Global Systems and Governance.

How will we be assessed on this topic?

  • Assessment and feedback through the use of GCSE questions will be given throughout the unit as well as a mid-unit test. The unit will also be assessed on Paper 2 in their mock exam.

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic?  What are teachers hoping to see?  

  • Correct use and spelling of key terms.
  • Use of GASMan (General, Specific, Anomaly) to describe distributions and trends on graphs and maps.
  • Detailed analysis and discussion of how economic change affects places, societies and individuals differently.
  • Detailed named examples supported with specific facts.
  • Detailed evaluation of strategies, explaining the costs and benefits, but also a consideration of the different groups it affects.

What key words are there in this topic?

Quizlet. Click here

What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?

  • Regularly re-read and review your work. Use the specification to help make revision notes for each section.
  • Complete past exam questions on this unit. These can be found here
  • Watch or read the news – keep up to date with current economic opportunities and challenges in the UK.
  • Research strategies being used to reduce the North/South divide in the UK.

What wider reading can be done on this topic?

Dead Aid: Why aid is not working and how there is another way for Africa by Dambisa Moyo. Click here

Supporting document/links:

Found on Satchel – My Drive – GCSE – Geography

  • Changing Economic World knowledge organiser
  • Key Terms sheet