
GCSE Topic – Making marketing decisions

When taught: September/October

Specification link: Edexcel GCSE Business (2017) | Pearson qualifications

What are we learning?


The design mix:

  • function, aesthetics, cost.

The product life cycle:

  • the phases of the product life cycle
  • extension strategies.

The importance to a business of differentiating a product/ service.



  • pricing strategies
  • influences on pricing strategies: technology, competition, market segments, product life cycle.



  • appropriate promotion strategies for different market segments: advertising, sponsorship, product trials, special offers, branding
  • the use of technology in promotion: targeted advertising online, viral advertising via social media, e-newsletters.



  • methods of distribution: retailers and e-tailers (e-commerce).

Using the marketing mix to make business decisions

How each element of the marketing mix can influence other elements.

Using the marketing mix to build competitive advantage.

How an integrated marketing mix can influence competitive advantage.

How will we be assessed?

The end of topic assessment will consist of questions from past exam papers. There will be a combination of multiple choice, short-answer and extended answer, context-based questions.

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic? What are teachers hoping to see?

  • Good knowledge and understanding of key ideas and concepts
  • Effective use of subject specific terminology
  • Developed explanation (use of BLT framework)
  • The ability to apply knowledge and understanding to given contexts
  • The ability to construct a detailed chain of argument using multiple strands of development
  • The ability to construct well-balanced arguments and counter-arguments in context
  • The ability to make clear judgments based on analysis to construct clear and justified conclusions

What additional resources can I access outside of lessons?

Click the links for more information.

GCSE Business – Edexcel – BBC Bitesize

GCSE Learning and Revision | GCSEPod

Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Flashcards | Quizlet

tutor2u – YouTube

Edexcel GCSE Business Theme 2 Revision – YouTube