Topic title: Component 1 Contemporary computer systems
Year group: 12/13
When taught: September to May
What are we learning?
- The characteristics of contemporary processors including different processor architectures and the factors that affect performance.
- Range of input and output devices for computer systems and embedded systems.
- The pros and cons of the technology used for storage options including magnetic, optical, solid state and cloud.
- Application and system software, methodologies for developing software and programming languages.
- Methods of exchanging data including compression, hashing and encryption.
- Relational databases including data structure, normalisation, SQL and data integrity.
- Characteristics of networks, protocols, security, network hardware together with pros and cons of client-server and peer to peer networks.
- Web technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript, search engine indexing and PageRank algorithm.
- Data representation in binary, data types, data structures and Boolean Algebra.
- Legislation and ethical issues surrounding the use of computers.
Why is this important to know?
- To enable students to understand the factors that affect performance so that they can choose appropriate systems for their applications.
- To help students to gain background knowledge on the value of different software languages and IDEs.
- To give students the skills they need to develop their own websites should they wish to in the future.
- To provide students with an insight into how data is exchanged securely from one computer system network to another.
- To understand the laws, opportunities, advantages and effects that computer technology has on careers, society and the environment.
Where does this link into our past and future learning?
- This links to learning in KS4 when students considered computer system architecture, networks, binary representation as well as legal and ethical issues.
- Much of this knowledge is needed for component 2 (algorithms and programming and component 3 (NEA project).
- This theory will give you background knowledge for a range of IT, cyber security and computer science courses at university and apprenticeships.
How will we be assessed on this topic?
- There will be topic assessments throughout the year and external assessments in May in Yr12 and Yr13.
What makes a strong piece of work in this topic? What are teachers hoping to see?
- An ability to define key components and processes accurately and coherently.
- Referral to scenarios provided in the questions.
- The ability to compare and justify the use of computer systems, networks, web technologies and storage devices in different scenarios.
What key words are there in this topic?
What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?
- Develop your understanding of the associated theory and coding using sites such as
- Teach-ICT
- Isaac Computer Science
- 101
- Home and Learn: Web Design
Develop your problem solving skills using sites such as:-