
Topic title: Component 3 NEA programming project

Year group: 13

When taught: June in Y12 to December in Y13

What are we learning?

  • Analyse, design, code, test and evaluate a software solution for a problem of your choice.
  • The solution will be fully written up in a document with contents page, diagrams, tables, screenshots, descriptions, bibliography and annotated code.
  • Development of a user interface and usability features
  • Application of Computational methods including problem recognition, problem decomposition, abstraction and visualization.
  • Application of standard algorithms for searching and sorting and data structures where appropriate.
  • Data storage such as use of a database.

Why is this important to know? 

  • To apply the theory you have learnt over the past two years to a real problem scenario.
  • To experience the different aspects and roles in code development.
  • To enable students to recognise which problems can and cannot be solved using computers and to help students develop coding solutions.

Where does this link into our past and future learning? 

  • This links substantially to learning in components 1 & 2, in particular to computational thinking, standard algorithms and software development methodologies.
  • Previous coding of solutions at KS4 will aid students.
  • This unit will give students practical coding skills and an understanding of job roles in the IT industry.

How will we be assessed on this unit?

  • The assessment will be marked internally and externally moderated.

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic?  What are teachers hoping to see?  

  • Follow the requirements of the markscheme in the specification.
  • Regular stakeholder feedback.
  • Evidence of validation and robustness testing.
  • Regular discussion and testing of usability.

What key words are there in this topic?


What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?

Develop your coding skills using sites such as