As part of our coursework, Year 12 BTEC Business students put on a Halloween themed silent disco for the Year 7 students.

Planning took up most of the half term in school and we had to consider a lot of different things, the fun things like the theme of Halloween, decorations and music, alongside the not as fun, but necessary, things like funding, health and safety and finding teachers who were willing to give up their time for us and help supervise. We also did lots of marketing by visiting the Year 7 students during tutor time and telling them what they can expect if they come along, handing out flyers, sending emails and putting up posters around the school.

The silent disco proved to be a huge success with over 140 Year 7 students attending. Lots of prizes were won as well, for the best dressed and guessing the amount of sweets in the jar. By the end of the night the disco turned over £1200 from ticket sales and sweet sales. However, we had a few costs to cover, but in the end we earned over £600 in profit which is going to the drama department, and 2 charities we selected whilst planning, those being The Dogs Trust and Teen Cancer Research.

We would like to thank everyone who helped us make this possible as we are extremely grateful, and we couldn’t have done it without you all. We would also like to thank Jamie Mather (Year 13) for his amazing lighting setup which made the atmosphere so much better.

Written by Wilf Keen (Year 12)
