
Topic title: Rocket Science

Year group: 7

When taught: Summer Term

Overview: Rocket science allows students to explore one of the most compelling areas of science, space, a topic many students will already have some knowledge of. Students will use their learning from other topics such as CSI to carry out investigations into different forces. They will also complete research into the different objects in our solar system such as the planets, explaining eclipses and the phases of the moon. They will also go on to look at how the scientific theories of our universe have changed linking to PBE.

What the students targets for this topic?

I know the difference between weight and mass
I can describe when happens to an object when the forces acting on it are unbalanced
I know examples of contact and non-contact forces
I can describe what friction is
I know why some materials float
I know what a theory is
I can state some major differences between planets in the solar system
I know how to calculate the density of an object
I can describe the theory of the Big Bang
I can name all the planets in our solar system in the correct order
I know how to convert between the weight and mass of an object
I can describe what gravity is
I can design and construct an air resistant rocket


Why is this important to know? 

  • This topic enables pupils to link their PBE and science knowledge together to understand the natural world.
  • It develops pupils’ understanding of investigations and planning.
  • It widens their knowledge of the world around us and explains everyday phenomena.
  • The knowledge gained helps them to use words in a scientific way.
  • It helps them understand that science changes as new evidence is presented, and how to find this information.

Where does this link into our past and future learning? 

  • This topic builds on the Key Stage Two curriculum delivered in year 3 and year 5 where students have learnt forces, and to their learning about Earth and Space in year 5
  • The knowledge learnt in this topic feeds into the Key Stage 4 Science curriculum:
    • It links to Physics topic 6.1 Energy, including Energy stores and transfers.
    • It links to Physics topic 6.5 forces, including contact and non-contact forces, mass and weight, and forces and motion.
    • It also links to triple Physics topic P16 (space) where students need to know about the motion of the planets and phases of the moon.

How will we be assessed on this topic?

  • There will be an end of unit test in class to formally assess the skills developed. There will be online homework quizzes to help students practice their skills.

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic?  What are teachers hoping to see?  

  • Using key words correctly.
  • Title and date written and underlined.
  • Correctly set out calculations including the equation and units.
  • Clear structured investigations.
  • Identification of variables.
  • Research from reliable sources.

Clear calculations with the units

Rocket Science

Neat table, with the units in the column headers

Rocket Science 2



What key words are there in this topic?

Click here 

What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?

  • Study more about the universe and the structures within it.
  • Learn more about the big bang and the evidence for it.
  • Research space missions past and future.

What wider reading can be done on this topic?

A website on the James Webb telescope: click here

An article about how the Curtis Shapley debate: click here

A fact sheet about the big bang and the future of the universe: click here