
Topic title: Rocks and landscapes

Year group: 7

When taught: January to March

What are we learning?

· The rock cycle

· The main types and properties of different rocks

· How fossils are formed

· The main features of limestone landscapes

· What is ‘quarrying’ and what are the main impacts?

· What do different groups think about quarrying?

Why is this important to know?

· Geological processes, including the rock cycle and fossil formation, and human processes like quarrying, form a core foundation for our understanding of physical processes on Earth within both Geography and Science.

· It develops our understanding of the physical Geography of the UK, including how geology often underpins land use and local employment. We then explore local issues surrounding Cotswold limestone and quarrying in our local Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and tourist hotspot.

Where does this link into our past and future learning?

· This links to our knowledge of the UK covered during the ‘Island Home’ unit, starting with an overview of UK Geology, before looking at local Geology in the Cotswolds and local issues associated with quarrying

· An understanding of Geological processes and rock types provides a foundation for further learning for topics like Rivers and Flooding, Coasts, and Tectonics.

How will we be assessed on this topic?

· End of unit test focussing on two sections: A- knowledge and B- Application of knowledge/evaluation

· Year 7 exam, being the focus of this decision-making paper

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic? What are teachers hoping to see?

· Correct use and spelling of terminology, e.g. from the rock cycle and key words associated with limestone landscapes

· Use of clear sequencing to describe different processes, such as quarrying and fossil formation

· Consideration of a range of viewpoints on a controversial topic, from the view of a range of stakeholders and being able to empathise with opinions different to our own

· Able to debate key ideas with other students

What key words are there in this topic?


What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?

· Research local news sites to explore a range of viewpoints about Cotswold limestone and quarry development. You could ask family and friends who live in the area about their opinions and use to inform your debate.

What wider reading can be done on this topic? 

Relevant key words glossary and extension detail on rock cycle and key processes


Inspirational Women- Mary Anning 19th century fossil hunter -‘The Fossil Hunter’ by Kate Winter

Supporting document/links:

Year 7 Revision sheet