
Topic title: Physical Theatre – Alice in Wonderland

Year group: 7

When taught: April -June

What are we learning? 

During the summer term, Year 7 will focus on exploring devised and text work through physical theatre. The students will explore the world of different scripts, create their own work and develop an understanding of how we can communicate using our bodies, gestures and facial expressions, with a focus on physical theatre techniques.

Why is this important to know?

Students will develop confidence with creating work and developing their own ideas using movement, gestures and mime using sections of script from Alice in Wonderland. For all performance work students will need an understanding of how their bodies move, communicate and express emotions and ideas to an audience. This is a crucial skill to develop to further improve their performance work going into Year 8.

Where does this link into our past and future learning?

Students have developed dramatic techniques, skills and confidence over the last two terms and are now developing an understanding of movement and how to use physical theatre with script work. The work is challenging linking the work explored on characterisation with movement and mime and so fits well into the final term of Year 7.

How will we be assessed on this topic?

Students will be assessed practically at the end of the scheme of work focusing on the skills and confidence developed using a fairytale as a stimulus for the work.

The 3 elements of the assessment:

  • Group work- co-operation and participation.
  • Character development – use of voice, movement, mime
  • Use of Physical theatre – creating objects, scenery, mime

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic?  What are teachers hoping to see?  

Students will be expected to perform in front of the class and demonstrate their understanding of the scheme of work with clear understanding of the movement, mime and physical theatre.

What key words are there in this topic? 

  • Devising
  • Physical theatre
  • Mime
  • Characterisation
  • Thought tracking.
  • Voice, movement and gestures

What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?

  • Nominate yourself to be a director for a group, to support your ideas and to have a focus for the work.

What wider reading can be done on this topic? 

  • Read the play or book of Alice in Wonderland to support characterisation work.

Supporting document/links:

  • Bitesize BBC – What is physical theatre

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