
Topic title: Our Day Out

Year group: 8

When taught: – September – December

What are we learning? 

In this term we will be focusing developing skills, and dramatic techniques using the play ‘Our Day Out by Willy Russell. This play explores different characters on a school trip in a deprived part of Liverpool and will provide an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of script-based tasks, situations, and characters. We will explore different stage types and how we direct actors to make a script engaging for an audience.

Why is this important to know?

Students will develop techniques and explore characters from the play reflecting on the themes and issues present. The play explores issues of deprivation and child poverty and provide the students will a knowledge of different cultures and backgrounds.

Where does this link into our past and future learning?

Pupils will have developed a range of skills, techniques and confidence in Year 7 and the Year 8 scheme of work builds on this foundation so that the student can utilise the skills developed with a practical focus. The exploration of more theme-based work is an indication of the student’s ability and maturity to look at scripts that provide insight into different cultures and backgrounds.

How will we be assessed on this topic?

Students will be assessed practically at the end of the scheme of work focusing on the skills and confidence developed using a section of the script as a starting point. The 3 elements of the assessment:

  • Group work- co-operation and participation.
  • Character development – character exploration and understanding background of the characters use of voice and movement to create a character.
  • Use of techniques – hot-seating, thought tracking, freeze frames, role-play, flashback.

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic?  What are teachers hoping to see? 

Students will be expected to perform in front of the class and demonstrate their understanding of the characters using appropriate voice, gestures and movement.

What key words are there in this topic?

  • Group work.
  • Character development
  • Script work

Dramatic Techniques

  • Freeze frames.
  • Thought tracking.
  • Hot seating
  • Flashback

What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?

  • Nominate yourself to be a director for a group, to support your ideas and also to have a focus for the work.

What wider reading can be done on this topic? 

  • Research Willy Russell the playwright of Our Day Out and find out some details about why he writes plays set in Liverpool.

Supporting document/links:

  • Watch the film version of the play – click here.

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