
Topic title: From the sun to the screen

Year group: 8

When taught: Autumn term

Overview: Ever wondered where all the planets energy comes from?  In their first term year 8 students will explore energy stores and how we generate electricity.  Electrical circuits are investigated and we finish this topic by looking at magnets and the uses of electromagnets.

What the students targets for this topic?

I know what an energy store is
I can name the 8 energy stores
I know energy is transferred by 4 different ways and I can name these energy transfers
I can state the ‘golden rule’ about energy
I can draw energy transfer diagrams to explain energy stores and transfers
I know the photosynthesis equation
I can name the 3 fossil fuels and describe how they were formed
I can describe how a coal fired power station works to generate electricity
I can give the disadvantages of burning fossil fuels
I can name different renewable energy sources
I can compare advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources
I know the correct circuit symbols for common circuit components
I can describe what current is
I can construct series and parallel circuits
I know current is measured in Amps
I know voltage is measured in volts
I can describe how magnets behave when near each other
I can describe what an electromagnet is
I can state uses of electromagnets


Why is this important to know? 

Where our power comes from is an extremely important area of society as we face growing environmental challenges and population change as well as energy security.  We also explore electricity and waves, which builds on how we use the electricity we generate.

 Where does this link into our past and future learning? 

KS2 units on Electricity, magnetism, plants, energy stores.

Year 7 students were introduced to energy stores we develop this and talk more about how energy is transferred.

KS4 units in Biology (photosynthesis) and Physics (Energy stores and transfers, electricity, magnetism)

How will we be assessed on this topic?

  • There will be an end of unit test in class to formally assess the skills developed. There will be online homework quizzes to help students practice their skills.

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic?  What are teachers hoping to see?  

  • Correct use of key terms in verbal and written communication.
  • Safe and sensible practical work, including detailed and neat results tables.
  • Engaging and persuasive media to direct people towards more sustainable forms of energy.


sun to screen             sun to screen 2


What key words are there in this topic?

Click here 

What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?

Find out alternative sources of energy for microbes living in the bottom of the sea for which light from the sun does not penetrate

Research future energy policy especially around renewable and nuclear energy.

Visit a local renewable energy site (solar or wind).

Go to a nuclear power station visitors centre.

What wider reading can be done on this topic?

EDF Energy – click here.

Ecotricity – click here.