
Topic title: In what ways is 9/11 like the Gunpowder Plot?

Year group: 8

When taught: September to October

What are we learning?

  • What does ‘terrorism’ mean? Explore the concept of ‘freedom fighter’ and consider different points of view;
  • Explore different types of terrorism through time and compare and contrast case studies;
  • Learn about a number of case studies including the Gunpowder Plot and conflict in the Middle East;
  • Understand what happened on 9-11 and why it was a historical turning point;
  • Compare and contrast different time periods. Looking also at change and continuity.

Why is this important to know? 

  • To start to compare and contrast different historical themes like change and continuity over a large time period;
  • To build our understanding of chronology;
  • To build a greater contextual understanding of current political problems.

Where does this link into our past and future learning? 

  • From Year 7, cementing understanding of key religious terms such as Protestant, Catholic, Puritan, heretic etc
  • Future learning: How individuals may protest against authority throughout time in the forthcoming Power and the People Unit later in Year 8

How will we be assessed on this topic?

  • Knowledge Test on terrorism
  • Extended writing comparing the Gunpowder Plot and 9/11

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic?  What are teachers hoping to see?  

  • A focus on comparing the similarities of the Gunpowder Plot and 9/11 in 2 separate paragraphs
  • Using detailed examples
  • Explaining how the aspect is a similarity and commenting on the extent.
  • An in depth, balanced conclusion

What key words are there in this topic?

Protestants: Christians who wanted the church to be simple, services and bibles to be in people’s own language and followed the teaching of Martin Luther

Catholics:  Christians who wanted the church to be highly decorate, services and bibles to be in Latin and followed the teachings of whoever was Pope.

Al-Qaeda: Islamic terrorist group led by Osama bin Laden who carried out the 9/11 attacks

Terrorist: someone who unlawfully uses violence and intimidation, in the pursuit of political aims.

Counter Terrorism: The ways the government try to deal with terrorism – by use of force

Jihad: Means ‘struggle’. Can include armed fighting against enemies of Islam.

Mujahedeen: Someone who engages in Jihad. An Islamic fighter.

The War on Terror: Following 9/11 how the US responded – involved the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and – more controversially – Iraq in 2003.

Conspiracy Theory: A way that explains events are caused by secret groups or secret reasons. Often discredited but on occasion are proved accurate.

Liberty: Freedom

Conspirators: People who take part in a conspiracy (a secret plan).

Anti-Semitism: Hatred of Jewish people

What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?

  • Choose another Terrorist group and compare with the Gunpowder Plot and or 9/11
  • Think about terrorists might operate today and in the future

What wider reading can be done on this topic? (link to accessit)

The Gunpowder Plot – 5th November 1605 by John Malam (non-fiction), click here

The Gunpowder Plot, A Time for Treason by Ann Turnbull (fiction), click here

Anti-Terrorism Campaigns by Lindsay Lowe (Ed.) (non-fiction), click here

The Rise of Islamic-State by Patrick Cockburn (non-fiction), click here

Terrorism and Security by Nick Hunter (non-fiction), click here

Supporting document/links:

Look at the following websites:

Gunpowder Plot

UK Parliament, click here

Historic Royal Palaces click here


Imperial War Museums, click here

Pew Research Centre