

Topic title: What was the ‘Final Solution’?

Year group: 9

When taught: March

What are we learning?

  • What was life like for Jewish people in Europe before the Holocaust
  • What the Holocaust was and how the Nazis started to discriminate against the Jews in the 1930s
  • The keys stages towards the Holocaust including the creation of the ghettos and the Final Solution
  • Discussion about the impact of the Holocaust on communities in Europe.

Why is this important to know?

  • To understand what happened why the Holocaust was one of the most dreadful war crimes ever committed
  • To discuss how discrimination can escalate and understand how this can happen
  • To understand the impact on the Jewish communities of Europe and how this still impacts on international politics today

Where does this link to our past and future learning?

  • Religious beliefs across the ages i.e. views about heretics and other religions
  • Understanding of the impact of WWII across Europe but specifically Russia and Germany
  • Links with PBE ‘The Problem of Evil’
  • Links with SMSC and PSHE

How will we be assessed on this topic?

  • There will be an end of unit knowledge test

What makes a strong piece of work in this topic?  What are teachers hoping to see?

  • Understanding the chronological order of the events studied
  • Accurate use and understanding of key terminology
  • Compassion and maturity when discussing a very emotive and challenging time in history

Key words

Quizlet, click here 

What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?

  • Visit the exhibition at the Imperial War Museum in London
  • Visit the Holocaust Education Trust website, click here 

What wider reading can be done on this topic?

  • Please speak with your teacher before accessing any additional material on this topic. This is a very emotive subject, and all teaching materials and lessons have been carefully designed and selected.