Years 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4)

In Years 10 and 11, pupils follow a varied programme of GCSE courses, some of which are chosen in consultation with their parents and the school. During the spring term of Year 9, we invite parents to an Options Evening to fully explain our course options.

Our options system at GCSE and A level is student-centred, which means students have a free choice, under the guidance of our pastoral and subject teams. We believe students have an excellent selection from a wide variety of traditional GCSE subjects and newer vocational courses. We use evidence from students’ achievements and parental feedback to evaluate the balance of subjects on offer at this stage.

Certain GCSE subjects are compulsory during these two years. These are:

English Language; English Literature; Mathematics; Science (Double Award); a Humanities subject and Modern Foreign Language (for some students).

Option courses include:

Art; Business Studies (BTEC and GCSE); Computing; Drama; Food; French; Geography; German; Childcare; History; ICT; Music; Physical Education (GCSE and BTEC); Product Design; Religious Studies; Spanish; Textiles and Triple Science.

Students in Years 10 and 11 are organised into teaching groups for the core subjects: English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities. Some core subjects use sets and others are mixed ability. Students also have a choice of up to three other subjects and are taught in mixed ability groups. The Learning Support Department help students with particular educational needs both within lessons and outside the classroom on an individual basis.