Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)
In Years 7- 9 (Key Stage 3) pupils take the following subjects:
Art; Computing; Design and Technology; Drama; English; French; Geography; German; History; Mathematics; Music; Philosophy, Beliefs and Ethics; Physical Education; Science and Spanish.
Students all experience the same subjects in Years 7 and 8. In Year 9 they can choose which Modern Foreign Language (MFL), Design and Technology and Arts (Art, Drama, Music) subjects they want to concentrate on.
In certain subjects, students are grouped by ability (for example, in Maths) which is calculated using primary school data. These sets are frequently reviewed and further Year 7 testing can result in some pupils moving classes.
Most students study two MFL and then go on to study at least one MFL at GCSE. A few students will study just one MFL in Key Stage 3 with the aim that they can develop better confidence and ability so that they can continue to study that language up to GCSE.