Our PTA makes a difference – with your help!
There are lots of ways to support our PTA – and in turn, this helps all of our students. Would you like to meet fellow parents and carers at the school? You can volunteer regularly or from time to time, donate, fundraise, bake or serve – and we’re always looking for new ideas.
If you would like to know more, please email the PTA thecotswoldschoolpta@gmail.com
To find out more about activities and fundraising 2022/23, click here.
Car Parking
Can you spare a couple of hours to help on car parking duties? Click here to view car parking dates.
The Cotswold School PTA
You are automatically a member of The Cotswold School PTA if you are a parent, guardian, staff member or a friend of the school. Those who attend our meetings appreciate the fact that they are brief, informal and informative, and that none of our fundraisers or events is particularly arduous!
We concentrate on events that provide maximum return for our wonderful school while keeping the workload to a minimum. Of course, many hands make light work, so everyone is welcome.
Support our events to raise money
Free online donations when you shop
Our objectives:
- To raise funds for extra facilities that might not be provided by government funding.
- To extend relationships between staff, parents, carers and others associated with the school.
- To provide social events where everyone can take part in an informal, friendly setting.
If you would like to know more, please email the PTA Chair thecotswoldschoolpta@gmail.com
Money raised by the PTA has helped The Cotswold School to provide: