The Aspire programme
We invite pupils who are demonstrating real commitment and passion to take their learning even further. Subject teachers and Heads of Year are consulted and each department also provides subject specific challenge opportunities for pupils who display real flair.
Pupils who are noted as being highly able in several subjects have the opportunity to be a part of the Aspire Programme.
The programme gives children an opportunity to meet with highly able pupils from other classes and share their ideas in a different forum. The school’s aim is to develop their intrinsic motivation and aspirations and give them the confidence to aim high, both during their time at The Cotswold School and beyond.
The Cotswold School is a member of the National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE), which benefits all children, including higher attainers.
Year 7
Pupils attend between six and eight meetings during tutor time. We look at Growth Mindset and how it can help us develop real resilience and the grit required to aim high.
Year 8
We explore different learning styles and embark on a group challenge, where pupils can challenge others’ ideas and defend their own. We also invite some of our high achieving sixth formers, with offers from top universities, to come along for a Q&A session.
Year 8 pupils also have the opportunity to create and present a research project called the Mini EPQ.
Year 9
During our continuing sessions, we look at building pupils’ cultural capital while developing oracy and debating skills. They can take part in online debates run by Oxplore with academics at Oxford University. Find out more about Oxplore
Year 10
Pupils are encouraged to be part of the peer coaching scheme, to develop their leadership skills in coaching younger pupils with a specific academic focus. We also encourage participation in various national competitions and have recently seen students take part in the Insight programme, run by St.John’s College, Oxford, as well as online schemes run by EtonX.
Year 11
Aspire pupils are invited to visit, either in person or virtually, our link college at the University of Oxford, Lady Margaret Hall. They attend a tutorial to give them a flavour of study at Oxford, as well as a Q&A with our alumni currently studying there. We have the opportunity to take part in access programmes run by Russell Group universities and complete online courses run by Trinity College, Cambridge.
Year 12
In the Sixth Form, students considering applying to Oxford, Cambridge or for medicine or veterinary science attend a series of sessions focused on meeting the challenges of these applications. They can also get advice on applying to Cambridge from a representative at our link college, Robinson.
Every year, a significant and growing number of our students achieve exceptional examination results across all subjects. Most of our students gain A* and A grades across the board at both A level and GCSE (where the top grades are 7-9). They reach outstanding destinations: Oxford, Cambridge and other Russell Group universities; and the most sought-after higher level/degree apprenticeships.
For more information on our students’ outstanding results at GCSE and A Level, please visit our ‘Examinations and Results’ page – or click here.
Highly Able Policy
For more information visit our Policies page.